Health, Healing, and Hope for All Children
CHKD Health System recently unveiled its new mission statement: Health, Healing and Hope for all Children. This mission statement defines CHKDs goals for our patients, the expectations our team members hold for themselves, and the experience we pledge to provide to our patients and their families, CHKD delivers on this promise by embracing the unique needs of every child, honoring the profound trust families place in us, and making a commitment to provide for the changing needs of our children and our community.
Each carefully selected word in our mission represents a pillar of our care. Health speaks to primary care, wellness and preventive care, and the state of being that we wish all children to attain. Healing reflects the caring aspects of CHKD’s work, encompassing our goal to keep children well and to restore them to good health through surgical and specialty care, diagnostics and treatment, therapies and interventions. Hope embraces the heart of how CHKD views children and is filled with our collective promise for the future. Even the most tragic situations afford an opportunity to generate healing and hope out of the darkest of moments. And finally, for all children demonstrates our commitment to care for every child who needs us, regardless of a family’s ability to pay.
Thank you to all of our Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals partners – your support helps to ensure that we can fulfill our mission of providing Health, Healing and Hope for All Children.